St. Mary's River Watershed Restoration Action Strategy


Join the New Discussion Group

Phase 1 Final Reports

Meeting Notes &
Slide Show

Welcome to the web site for the
St. Mary's River Watershed Restoration Action Strategy.

It is our desire to include everyone in this program. A discussion group will begin in the fall of 2008 for those who would like to keep up with the latest developments and to provide feedback on a timely basis. Over the next two years, a series of public meetings will take place. Additionally, community groups can request a briefing at one of their regular meetings.

A steering committee of diverse stakeholders will meet monthly to execute the WRAS program.

Navigating this web site: Generally, links in the top drop-down menu and on the left-hand side will take you to pages within this web site. Links in the right-hand column will take you to other web sites.

Learn more about the St. Mary’s River:

St. Mary’s River Online Discussion Group

Sign up today for the online discussion, Chesapeake Watershed Forum, and have access to the St. Mary’s River discussion group as well as thirty other groups—all from your home or office computer.

Go to and click the link at the top right “Register For This Network.”** You can choose whether to receive discussion entries via email or web browser—or choose to receive a daily summary for each group. And you can choose to terminate your registration at any time. Add “St. Mary’s River” to your groups and find out what your neighbors are saying about the river and the surrounding communities.

Join Today!

More information.

** This is a two-step process. The first is to sign into the Network - then upon approval (what's this about?? terrorist check?), you can join the St. Mary's River Group and set up your personal settings. You can hide your email address, if this is your preference. And you can set up how you would like to get access to postings: go to My Page and Edit Profile; select Edit Subscription Settings (over on the right under My Groups); for each group you join you can select to 1) "get individual emails", or 2) "get as digest" - this is a daily summary of all activity, or 3) "no emails: read on web only." You can hide your email, remove yourself from specific groups, add more groups, or unsubscribe from the Network. You are in control of how you access (or receive) the discussion entries. You can also set up your own group and blog.


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Post Office Box 94
St. Mary's City, MD 20686

©  Copyright 2008-2010  St. Mary's River Watershed Association, Inc.